Vanessa's Recipes


Devil’s Food Cupcakes & Buttercream Frosting


Yes, please. Copyright Candice Wong.

The combination of rich, robust chocolate (coffee? Yum!) and the sweet coolness of a buttercream is such perfection, you might have to make sure to share with neighbors or freeze the batch so you don’t eat them all in a sitting. For Birthday parties, school functions, bake sales and other gatherings where a deliciously rich, gluten-free, sugar-free confection is desired, these clock in at only 5.7 net carbohydrates for a treat you can truly enjoy.

Re-blogged from: Devil’s Food Cupcakes & Buttercream Frosting | Your Lighter Side

You want the recipe.  I know you do.  I can see it in your drool. 

Mine too!  LOL

But you have to ask Jamie, over at Your Lighter Side.  Don’t worry, she’ll share, she’s really nice like that!  Smile  So click the link and go!  Devil’s Food Cupcakes & Buttercream Frosting | Your Lighter Side


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